Dec 22, 2009

Incredible Year!

This has been an incredible year for me personally as well as professionally, since DZ Doodles Digital Stamps was introduced in August. And admit that I haven't been able to give my blog the attention it deserves other than list new images or projects - you all offer such wonderful suggestions!

I have lots of goals for the coming year and hope to be able to reconnect with people online. I will be embarking on some new projects and How-To video's that you will hear about on this site. I really appreciate those of you that have read my posts for a while and continue to stay in touch. Even though my posts aren't frequent, I enjoy knowing that there are people out there who support my images!

I hope you'll take a moment to visit DZ Doodles Digital Stamp site and view the many wonderful projects that the Design Team and Guest Designer's, as well as other paper crafters have created. Images are added frequently, so, don't forget to browse those categories to see what's new!

I wish you and your family a safe and very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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