Mar 23, 2010

DZ Doodles Challenge #2

YAY! Here we are the 2nd week with DZ Doodle Challenges! This week the design team was challenged to use this colorful image for inspiration on their cards/projects!

And here are their WONDERFUL cards! **Please scroll down to the bottom of this post for more info. on how to join in this challenge and win 2 free digital images of your choice from the DZ Doodles online store!


Now it's your turn!
Here are the details on what you need to do to enter this challenge.

*Make any kind of project or card using ONLY A DZ DOODLES IMAGE.
*Just click the blue button below to add your link.
*Deadline to enter Monday, March 29th.
*Winner will be announced here on the DZ Doodles blog on Wednesday, March 31st.
*You could win 2 DZ Doodle images of your choice!!!

PS: don't forget you still have time to enter challenge #1 >>> CLICK HERE till Friday, March 26th!

Pixie Dream Designs


  1. Funny story! I followed the sketch for last weeks challenge and when I had it completed I realized I'd added the wrong image so voila... no entry. I'll do better this week. Thanks for the challenges and the wonderful digi stamps.
    "Hugs" Granny

  2. Gorgeous cards, ladies!!! I really enjoyed them.

  3. I just saw that you now have challenges. Congrats!
    Can you enter if you don't have a blog? And when is the cutoff for entry? Monday evening sometime?
    Just want to be sure I get it all right. Thank you!
    Love the cards!!!

  4. March 29th is the deadline - enter a smany projects as you'd like pertaining to each challenge theme ... haven't a blog? email me your image and we'll see about getting posted to that challenge: ... everyone is just doing spectacular projects! Diane :0)
