Let's Welcome our NEW Design Team!!!
Today I'm proud to announce the NEW design team of DZ Doodles!!! Diane has been working her fingers off making new digital design images and we are here to make this a fun journey! We have lots of fun stuff planned and we hope you have stop on by and have some fun with us! First off I will start off with introducing myself...
(if you click on our pictures on the sidebar it will take you to our blogs)
Hello, My Name is Valerie Urtiaga. I'm 32..almost 33 years old. I'm so excited get the chance to be DZ Doodles Design Team Coordinator. I have lived in New Mexico all my life. I live with the most WONDERFUL man on earth. We have been together for 14 years. We have two fur-babies named Fluffy (toy poodle) & Dixie (beagle)...they are my world! I have amazing parents and a brother. I have been creating cards and scrapbooking for about 9 years now. I have a pretty good size scrapbook room all of my family call it my "little" store because they think I own everything out there...don't I wish! I'm very blessed.
Hello, my name is Gini. I have been crafting all of my life, in one form or another. I was very successful as a bead artist. I had my work published in over a dozen books and magazines, and lectured and taught all over the country. But... my beaded pieces took on an average 500-1000 hours to complete. About 8 years ago, I began scrapbooking when my first nephew was born. I instantly fell in love with the immediacy of the medium (compared to the crazy hours I spent beading!) Papercrafting is really a family thing for me - My sister and I get together at least once a week to play, and of course, my four year old nephew always wants in on the action. My mom has even ordered a ton of copics to start coloring, too. While my husband has never made a card, he's my biggest cheerleader, and always encourages me. In the past year, I have gotten hooked on cardmaking, stamping and coloring with copics. It's really funny to look at any of my work, from beadwork to paper and be able to see the same style emerge, regardless of the medium. I have always loved dimension, and color and layers. I would say my papercrafting style is Shabby Chic meets Dolly Parton.

Hello, I'm Glee! My hubby, Dwain, and I have been married for 43 years. We have 3 wonderful children: Jim (41), Rob (38) and Brenda (34). We also have the most ADORABLE Grandgirls in the world: Angelina (7), Madison (4) and Paige (aka Sissy) (2). I am so "gleeful" and so honored to be on the DT of DZ Doodles!
Hi my name is Lori. I have been in the artistic field my whole life. I started with the medium of clay/pottery, then moved into metals where I earned my degree in Jewelry Design. Now that my life is full of my husband and children my artistic expression has taken on a new medium...Paper. I have been scrapbooking since my first son was born over nine years ago and thankfully I have grown in leaps and bounds. Within the last year I have really come to love stamping, coloring and card making. I adore how quickly I can create mini works of art. My papercrafting truly helps fill my artistic expression. I also love to share my ideas and projects with others with my blog and being on design teams .Various computer networks have really helped me reach out to the vast world of papercrafting . I am married to my sweet husband Greg, and we have two beautiful sons that are the light of our lives. My sister and mother both live nearby and are my crafting partners/enablers.....if you don't have an enabler get one...they're a must.
HI! My name is Patricia. I have had a love of crafts since I can remember. In high school I even took two art classes because I loved it so much. You name it and I probably have tried it at one point or another. If I can glue it I can make it. I have gotten back into scrapbooking about 3 years ago. I had three boys and life got in the way and I had to put it on hold, but now with two of my kids grown adults, I have taken it back up and just love it. I can say that it has come so far since I last had scrapbooked. One of my newest loves of the hobby is card making. Over the summer my youngest son was in football and it didn’t give me a lot of time to do much scrapbooking but I could make a card in a couple of nights and I just love doing card blog challenges. I am always looking for new ideas and challenges to take on. If there is anything I can help you with please don’t hesitate to ask I am always willing to help and if I don’t have an answer I will do my best to get one for you.
Hello, my name is Rosalien Zwackhalen and I live in Holland. I'm married and we have 2 grown up kids. I'm a scrapbooker and cardmaker for about 5 years now and I love it. I love to try new techniques and I love Challenges. I'm so happy to be a DT member for DZDoodles, Diane's images are just great to work with.
Hello everyone! I'm Susan, from Killam Creative. I also answer to Honey, Sweetie, and Mommydog. My husband and I have been married over 12 excellent years. We have a 6-year-old Blue Doberman Pinscher called Finnegan. He is absolutely the sweetest dog in the world! I've been a hobby photographer since I was 13, and started making cards about 5 years ago. I can honestly say I only decided to take it seriously in 2009, and I've had a "creative explosion" of sorts. Along with my photography and paper arts, I'm now taking on chain maille jewelry. I love working with my hands, and feel most alive when creating art. Cheers!
Congrats ladies!! I'm looking forward to seeing what y'all create with Diane's fab images!!
Design Team ... ladies I look forward to designing images that will be fun to use and inspire wonderful projects!
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