Apr 1, 2010

DZ Doodles April Guest Designer!

I am here today to welcome DZ Doodles first ever guest designer for the month of April!



I live in Maine. My inspiration is the view outside my studio which over looks the wonder lake and the Mountains that line the other side of the lake I am truly blessed. I am a mother of 3 wonderful grown children and a wife to an Amazing husband who is my # 1 fan with all my creations and is also a part of my inspirations. I have been paper crafting for over 10 years and just love to share my creativity with so many out there who share the same passion I do. My projects range from scrapbooking to 3D projects. I have written and created many instructions from my own creations that I share on my blog. I work part time in the commercial Loan department for a bank and love my job but love knowing I only work two days which leaves the rest of the time for my true passion which is working in my studio and creating.

I am HONORED and BLESSED to be selected for this AMAZING opportunity to be a guest designer and hope that this is not only a place for my crafting abilities to shine but will also build great relationship along the way that will make life long friends.

Northern Girl Stamper

Turning life’s Inspirations into my Creations

Here is a LOVELY card that Shannon made to share with us using the DZ Doodles image named
"Oh My Gosh Girl" Don't forget to visit her blog to see her amazing creations on her blog.

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