Apr 14, 2010

The Winner for #4 Challenge is........

What a great week. Thanks so much for the beautiful entries. I hope to see more and more in the near future. I know everyone would like to know who won this weeks DZ Doodles Challenge so without furthur ado, the winner is.........

Thank you so much Kerstin for playing along with us. Your card was adorable. Please send an email to deedledeedoodles@hotmail.com with your 2 DZ Doodle images of your choice from the DZ Doodles store >>> HERE!
Thank you, to all that joined in this challenge. Don't forget you have till Monday, April 19th @ 12 midnight to join in Challenge #5 >>> HERE This week's challenge is a fun easy one, so please tell you friends and let's have some fun. See ya next week.
Hugs, Lori
PinkcloudScrappers / DZ Design Team Memember

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