May 11, 2010

DZ Doodles Challenge #9

Happy May Day everyone! It's a beautiful day outside! I just LOVE the summer months! Today we are here to give you another challenge! This weeks challenge is a sketch challenge made by one of our very creative design team memebers Rosalien! Thank you Rosalien! Here are the cards that the design team members created with this sketch now we would like to see what you come up with!

Now let's see what you can do for this weeks challenge. (scroll down for more info.)


Now it's your turn!
Here are the details on what you need to do to enter this challenge.

*Make any kind of project or card using ONLY A DZ DOODLES IMAGE.
*Just click the blue button below to add your link.
*Deadline to enter Monday, May 17th @ 12 midnight.
*Winner will be announced here on the DZ Doodles blog on Wednesday, May 19th.
*You could win 2 DZ Doodle images of your choice!!!

Pixie Dream Designs

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