May 18, 2010

DZ Doodles Challenge #10

Today on this beautiful day I bring to you a color challenge!!! The colors we used this week were brown and pink...two of my all time favorites! Here are the design teams lovely cards for the week. I hope we can inspire you and you join us in this weeks challenge! I can't wait to see all the browns and pinks floating around!

Now let's see what you can do for this weeks challenge. (scroll down for more info.)




Now it's your turn!
Here are the details on what you need to do to enter this challenge.

*Make any kind of project or card using ONLY A DZ DOODLES IMAGE.
*Just click the blue button below to add your link.
*Deadline to enter Monday, May 24th @ 12 midnight.
*Winner will be announced here on the DZ Doodles blog on Wednesday, May 26th.
*You could win 2 DZ Doodle images of your choice!!!

Pixie Dream Designs

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