Jun 15, 2010


Hello Fellow Crafters!

I just wanted to come by and say that DZ Doodles Paper Craft Planet needs to be deleted (by Sat. June 19th) and re-made. It was set up by another design team gal and was set up under her own personal email. Since she is no longer a design team member she needs her email back for her own personal use. We are so sorry for the inconvenience and plan to have a NEW DZ Doodles PCP back up by Monday and get on with our Summer FUN!!! I will post the new URL to DZ Doodles PCP on the blog here >> http://deedledeedoodles.blogspot.com/ I will also have Diane post it on the store blog as well >> here http://dzdoodles.com/ I hope to see you all join the new group and to see you playing along with us! I do have some fun things planned so we will see you there!!!

Don't forget you have till Thursday, June 17th to play along with us on the freebie image and still get your card in to earn another free image!

I will also be saving your cards so I can move them over to a film for our NEW PCP so other crafters can see...you all did such a WONDERFUL job!

Design Team Coordinator

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