Jan 20, 2011

Jan. 5th Challenge #1 - WINNER!!!

Hi! What a beautiful day it is here in New Mexico (where I, Valerie is from). Today is the second day we have beautiful weather in the high 50's. I think in a lot of places they are getting slammed with snow! I love the snow but we don't get much here in New Mexico...more up in the mountains near us! Well enough about that let's get on to our WINNER for challenge #1.

The winner for Challenge #1 is.....
Linda Wescott @ Lindy's Maid Wild Luv!!!!

Congratulations Linda!!! Your notebook came out so cute! Please email me at valerie1011@q.com with your choice of any image from the DZ Doodles store >>> HERE!!!

Thank you all who joined in this challenge and don't forget there is a new one challenge posted >>> HERE! Join and enter to win a free image of your choice! Have a great day!

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