Apr 1, 2011

Challenge #6 Winners & GD for April

Thank you to everyone that joined us in our last challenge at DZ Doodles.  So many lovely entries.  As you may have noticed, our challenge rules have changed, and from now on we will have 2 lucky winners!

WINNER ONE (using a DZ Doodles image) - will win 2 free DZ Doodle images
WINNER TWO (using any image) - will win 1 free DZ Doodle image

So, here are the winners using Random Org.

Winner #1 
winner of 2 DZ Doodles images

Winner #2
winner of 1 DZ Doodles image

Congratulations ladies, please contact Rosalien @ m.zwackhalen@planet.nl with your image selections from our shop.

And now, for the first time
our Guest Designer for April

Rosalien will be contacting you with all of the details.  Congratulations!!

Our next challenge is up and running, with a lovely sketch and an adorable image...free for a limited time.  Please be sure to check it out here, as we'd really like to see your wonderful creations and visit you in blogland! 


  1. OH WOW,I'm a winner !!! Thankyou so much. I'm off now to try and decide which of your wonderful digi's i would like as my prize.

    Kate xxx

  2. Thank you so much for choosing me, can't wait! :)
