May 31, 2011

Final Challenge Winners at DZ Doodles

This posting is a bit late, as I was away on vacation, but now I am ready to announce the Winners for our 10th challenge.  This is our last challenge, for the time being, but you never know what the future may hold.  We've all enjoyed working with Diane's images, and I think you have too!  Her store will remain open, and you will still be able to purchase additional images, and I'm sure we will still see each other in Blogland.

Now for the Winners!

Winner #1 (using a DZ Doodle image)
winner of 2 DZ Doodles images
Winner #2 (using any image)
winner of 1 DZ Doodles image
Congratulations ladies!  Both random winners used the freebie cool is that!

please contact Valerie @ with your image selections from our shop.


  1. So happy I won, thank you. So sad this is your last challenge. Hopefully you will be back soon. Off to check out the store.

  2. Congratulations to the winners. :O)
