Hi! As some of you might have read in one of our past challenge posts we are doing the our freebie's on the 1st of every month starting today! I hope you all will enjoy your monthly freebies and when you use any of them PLEASE come back here and share them with us...we would all love to see your work!
So now on to your freebie. Today's freebie is a little different. Diane (DZ Doodles owner) made us a cute little candies case template.
Click on the image to make it bigger then right click and save as...onto your computer. This image will only be available till the end of the month once it's gone you can purchase it from the
DZ Doodles store!
PS: If any of you have the Make a Cut program for your cricut you can email me at valerie1011@q.com to get the cut of the freebie candied case! I didn't know how to attach it here so if you email me I will get it to ya!