Bubble and Sweet's, Linda V, will have you whipping up a batch of your store bought macarons into her 'lollipop' swirls with her ganache filling and sprinkle swirls in no time!
While raking leaves I came across some rather colorful ones that I just had to save ... I didn't know exactly how I was going to use them, but, because I love the colors of Fall/Autumn I felt the need to do so. Then I came across this blog-bit-of-info, and because I'm a Mod Podge-addict and "jar-fanatic," this seemed like the reason for my collecting fall leaves!
A Little Fall Leaf Re-use Candle Project - While Gingerbread Snowflakes a blog about seasonal comforts, Pam Harris, sat brushing Mod Podge on dozens of leaves to use on her Fall wreath she decided to light the little fall leaf candle she made last spring to keep her company. All you need to make one: dried, pressed fall leaves, regular Mod Podge, a jar and a brush.
And here's some freebie "jar images"!

The Gentleman Crafter is my artist-idol! As I was browsing through Dyan Reavley's blog to check out all the ingenious journal page projects I happened upon her post of The Gentleman Crafter's DYLUSIONAL SCHOOL BUS! Is this not fun or what, I ask you!
Halloween Craft Templates
Download the full-size version of all the templates featured in Halloween Celebrations By Woman's Day Staff. It just makes sense that ghosts, Dracula and bats should sneakingly hide their candy form sweet-eater-treaters. Find these PDF templates (and many more project temps ) to make candy wrappers HERE at Woman’s Day.… Simply click on the template link to print it out on standard 8 1/2" x 11" paper. Happy Halloween!

RISK FREE OFFER! Save 37% off the newstand ptice when you order 1 year (6 issues) of Cloth Paper Scissores for only $29.95! Plus, get a FREE BONUS ISSUE when you pay today.
Sweet Rose Studio is offering up printables from the Favorite Things Party set for you to use for FREE. You'll be able to download blank Fancy Labels, Generic Invitation, and Banner Pieces, in addition to Sppokiest Things set of a Welcome Sign, Fancy Labels, and Cupcake Toppers!
VINTAGE FANGIRL has Free Printables of Vintage Fashion and Decor, Projects and Inspiration to share! You'll surely spend some time collecting the many images she has so freely shared!
Oct. 12 is officially the second I Love Yarn Day, which is a holiday made up by the Craft Yarn Council to celebrate all things yarny.

SITCH PLAY: Simple Cast-On Stitch Flower. Once you get the Cast-On Stitch down (shown in video), there's really nothing difficult about making the flower. The only "trick" is on the very last stitch!

This 22-page Stitch Play Printable will teach you, step-by-step, how to work two dimensional embroidery stitches: the cast-on stitch and the double cast-on stitch. You'll also learn how to create four different flowers using the stitches. The Printable is packed with step-by-step photo instructions, helpful hints to ensure your success, and clear diagrams.
Once payment of $5.00 is complete, you will receive a confirmation e-mail with a download link, so that you can receive your Printable right away and start creating beautiful cast-on stitch flowers! File type: PDF (6.8MB)
TRI-SHUTTER CARD TUTORIAL Create this special fold card to show off your patterned paper. It is a great card fold for special occasions and especially for the coming holidays-easy to create but beautiful!
Do you love "Journals" and journaling? For some very inspiring page designs and ideas you will love browsing through Love, Light, Peace blog's clever creations! I have to seriously plan to do some journaling/journal designs next year. These designs look so freeing, but gorgeous and something I need to start creating! Bonnie McLain is such a "hoot"!
RIBBON TYING TUTORIAL VIDEOS by Kittie at Kittie Krafts, gives you some unique ways and various bow idea how-to's to help you create bows with ease that will compliment any project!
Explore fun techniques using Tim Holtz's Distress Markers. Because they're Distress, they're reactive with water which opens many creative doors. As with everything Distress, you have all 36 of the usual colors in the line available for play, plus Picket Fence. Barbara at Joggles will show you the basics of using them and then some other techniques that take advantage of the markers' "plays well with water" capabilities. You'll find the techniques useful for your journals, cards, mixed media collages... and a whole lot more! They're versatile and oh-so-easy to use and get great results with.
RIBBON TYING TUTORIAL VIDEOS by Kittie at Kittie Krafts, gives you some unique ways and various bow idea how-to's to help you create bows with ease that will compliment any project!
Explore fun techniques using Tim Holtz's Distress Markers. Because they're Distress, they're reactive with water which opens many creative doors. As with everything Distress, you have all 36 of the usual colors in the line available for play, plus Picket Fence. Barbara at Joggles will show you the basics of using them and then some other techniques that take advantage of the markers' "plays well with water" capabilities. You'll find the techniques useful for your journals, cards, mixed media collages... and a whole lot more! They're versatile and oh-so-easy to use and get great results with.