Nothing says "Hello, Fall" like some homemade pumpkin decorations to display around the house! Their use seems short-lived as we exit fall the day after Thanksgiving into the Christmas mind-set. So, make pumpkin inspired crafts using styrofoam, foamboard, paper mache or actual pumpkins to get your home ready for the fall festivities - Halloween and Thanksgiving! And here are some fantastic reuseable from year-to-year projects that I'd like to share with you!
GLITTERED STYROFOAM PUMPKINS, using Glitter Blast spray paint from Krylon, to add a few scented candle-lit touches of fall to your home.
Kimberly created decorative 3D paper eyelet pumpkins using Spellbinders Shapeabilities Pendants: Eyelets. These approximately 4" x 4" and 2" x 2" folded eyelets pendants are lovely enough to decorate your Thanksgiving table or to accent your fall decor. Don't have the equipment or time to make these up yourself? Then head on over to my Dizzy Designs Store to purchase the pre-cut cardstock pieces to create your own 3D pumpkins!

FUN⋅KINS are synthetic pumpkins that are carefully crafted and painted by hand to look just like real pumpkins. They can be carved and lit to look like spooky works of art just like pumpkins. They are made hollow so there is no scooping of seeds and pumpkin guts necessary. And they never ever rot, so carvings last forever!
Unlike any other fake pumpkins available, FUN⋅KINS are constructed of patented low density foam. About the same consistency of real pumpkins. The walls of a FUN⋅KIN are generally about one half of an inch thick (a little more for the really big ones, and a little less for the really small ones) so they are strong enough to last for years to come and endure shipping, carving, use, and storage.
ADD SOME CLEVER IDEAS to add humor and ghoulishly good fun to your Halloween event! Let your imagination take flight with Inkadinkado's "design your own mask" pattern projects! Three great projects to inspire you with helpful mask pattern downloads; Cat and Bat Mask, Flourish Mask and Spider Mask.
The perfect decoration for that is Friendly Jack. He's a pumpkin you can create and be happy that you did.
OMG! You've heard me talk about being a "foamboard-addict" but when I came upon this article of free inexpensive foam-material Angel's and instructions WITH PATTERNS INCLUDED I just "had to share this with you"! Angels are a beautiful symbol with which to decorate your home. Whether you are decorating for the holidays or creating permanent fixtures for various rooms, this collection of angel craft projects will help you choose a lovely little angel. These angels are great Christmas crafts.You can also use your favorite angel images from the net or draw your own.
Fill your home with the soft warmth of angels as shown below.
Fill your home with the soft warmth of angels as shown below.
I am in the process of re-creating these angel's in pre-cut foamboard images. They will be available for purchase in time for Christmas !!ASAP!! at my Dizzy Designs Store!
CRYSTALIZED 3D WILD ROSE CROCHET SNOWFLAKE project - Lindsey says it's "for Mom on Mother's Day," but, I'm thinking for Mom's Christmas tree ornament added to the outside of her Christmas gift!
"Oh no" you're saying, "I don't crochet!" Keep checking my Dizzy Designs Store where they will be available. :0)
Make Decoupage Upcycled Jars! Vintage Collection - Glass Jar Reproductions It is hard to tell these items from the "old" ones. Useful, attractive pieces for the country kitchen or family room. Ideal for gift giving.. fill with their favorites!
WANT TO MAKE VINTAGE LOOKING CRAFTS? Watch this How-To-Make Look of Forged Metal with Aluminum Foil with EcoHeidi and learn a fun and exciting craft technique (or view her video of how it's done)! This is a vintage craft technique that was used in the 1960's to create fantastic decorative pieces! All you need is some aluminum foil from your kitchen and a willingness to learn something new. You'll want to use this technique over and over again.
When using cardstock, such as for box or mug-coffee cup templates, instead of adhering with Aleene's Tacky "Liquid" Glue use the Tacky Spray adhesive to attach foil and pattern paper pieces - works great, quick and easy! Heavy spraying gives you more time to attach the foil to the cardstock and any embellishment designs you've applied under the foil.
I created something fun using My Time Made Easy Lunch Box Template made from posterboard I found at Dollar Tree, 2-sheets for $1.00. I cut the 28" x 22" sheet into six pieces of, 8-1/2" x 11" sizes to fit into my inkjet printer. Posterboard does-not-at-all go through ink jet printers where it pulls the sheet up and around, so I advise you to use a printer that just draws the posterboard down to print on.
Of course, I had to re-design some aspects of it to suit my structural improvements and I lined it with pattern paper pieces (applied with spray glue) all prior to assembling the parts. You wouldn't need to do what I did unless you were as persnickety as I am about structual details of a finished project - I don't make things simple for myself!
I designed a spider web and used my Xacto knife to cut-out the web details. I spray glued and glittered a plastic spider and added brads. I didn't add the handle piece because I wanted it to resemble a tin box. When completed it perfectly housed my Halloween gift-giving AVON products - my Avon Unit Manager was amazed when she found out that it wasn't "tin" and made with posterboard and foil and that the Ghost Watch [C-20/page 150], Pumpkin Earrings box [C-20/page150] and four Harvest Lip Balms [C-20/page 195] "just fit" inside so nicely (total cost of Avon products $22.74+tax). She was really impressed! This is a gift for my youngest goblin! (I'm in a rush to get this post out to you and waiting on the lip balms via mail. So I'll show you the finished images on my next post if not sooner).
I'm also creating another "Lunch Box Avon Set" using Avon's Snowman or Snowflake Watch/available NOW in the Avon HOLIDAY 2011 eBrochure on page 18-19, Angelic Inspirations Mary Birthstone Angel Necklace/available NOW Campaign 22 page 119 [9/27-10/11], and four Tis' The Season Lip Balms/ available NOW Campaign 22 page 193 [9/27-10/11].
I designed a spider web and used my Xacto knife to cut-out the web details. I spray glued and glittered a plastic spider and added brads. I didn't add the handle piece because I wanted it to resemble a tin box. When completed it perfectly housed my Halloween gift-giving AVON products - my Avon Unit Manager was amazed when she found out that it wasn't "tin" and made with posterboard and foil and that the Ghost Watch [C-20/page 150], Pumpkin Earrings box [C-20/page150] and four Harvest Lip Balms [C-20/page 195] "just fit" inside so nicely (total cost of Avon products $22.74+tax). She was really impressed! This is a gift for my youngest goblin! (I'm in a rush to get this post out to you and waiting on the lip balms via mail. So I'll show you the finished images on my next post if not sooner).
I'm also creating another "Lunch Box Avon Set" using Avon's Snowman or Snowflake Watch/available NOW in the Avon HOLIDAY 2011 eBrochure on page 18-19, Angelic Inspirations Mary Birthstone Angel Necklace/available NOW Campaign 22 page 119 [9/27-10/11], and four Tis' The Season Lip Balms/ available NOW Campaign 22 page 193 [9/27-10/11].
POLYMER CLAY + STAMPS = Keri Lee Sereika's BEAUTIFUL CLAY BUTTON embellishment How-To! And I made sure to print this one out to keep it in my How-To file ... if you're unable to re-create something now that you think you could use someday, always make a print-out. I have a notebook of How-To printouts with tabbed inserts labeled with things such as, Clay Works, Template Designs, Card Design Ideas, etc. - this way I can browse through the notebook at my leisure and be inspired!
Diane :0)
Vist my newly designed Dizzy Designs Store where I'll be offering Avon deals, specials, and many of the things that I create! Although I'm still working on most of it, just click on the tabs, I'm constantly trying to add items as I get them done ... if they don't sell to my friends and neighbors before I get to do so!
2011 (c) DZ Doodles Digital Stamps and DZ Doodles Doohikey Designs. All rights reserved. Any third party products, brands or trademarks listed above are the sole property of their respective owner. No affiliation or endorsement is intended or implied.
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